Out of School Opportunities

We provide opportunities for children and young people which complement school provision. Using public funding we are able to make this financially accessible to all:

  • Schools can refer their young artists from Key Stage 2 and 3 who show skill, interest or a development need to our blended learning young artists programme for drama, dance and music production and our hybrid programme for visual arts. These are FREE for Pupil Premium students.

  • Schools can refer their young musicians to our CMA Centres with groups covering all styles of music and all levels, including our Star Classes for learning any instruments not taught at school.

  • Schools can refer students from Key Stages 4 and 5 to our Young Leaders group. We offer advocacy and leadership training and students can represent their school and feed into Croydon-wide debate about culture and the arts for young people. 

  • Schools can use the learning students gain from our programmes to contribute to their school outcomes and as evidence for Ofsted.