Join a Star Class

Our Star Classes are held during term time at Croydon Music and Arts (Oasis Academy Shirley Park).

Choose your instrument

Years 3 to 7 beginners can choose from our Endangered Species instruments: Oboe, bassoon, French horn, double bass. (Endangered Species instruments are those that are less-commonly played, they are free to hire for classes)

Year 3 to 6 beginners can choose clarinet, trumpet and trombone.

Year 3 to 6 beginners can learn guitar, keyboard, violin and cello in one of the Library Classes.

Year 7 and 8 beginners can choose flute, violin and cello (These classes will also include children in Years 3 - 6 that have progressed from our Library Classes)

Year 7 to 10 beginners who would like to play keyboard or guitar can join our Tuesday Centre Keyboard Stars or Guitar Stars.

You will need to bring along your own instrument or hire one from us.
Instrument hire is available for all instruments except piano, keyboard, guitar, saxophone and drums



Saturdays, 9 - 10am

Violin, cello, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, carnival percussion, oboe, bassoon, French horn, double bass.



£45 per term

£13.50 per term if your child receives Free School Meals

Instrument hire

£10.20 for the first term, £34 per term thereafter

£9.60 per term if your child receives Free School Meals

Free for Endangered Species instruments


Application process

  • Once your application is received, your child will be added to our waiting list and you will receive a confirmation email. 

  • Star Classes start each September and at other times when there are sufficient pupils on the waiting list.

  • The waiting lists work on a first come, first served basis.

  • When we are able to offer your child a place, you will receive an offer letter and invoice for the first term. This will also include any forms you have requested in your application, such as for instrument hire or fee remissions. 

  • We require payment for the term in advance of the first lesson.

Making Progress

Once young musicians have achieved their first Star Award they can join one of our Star Workshops (also 9.00 - 10.00am on Saturday morning).

After achieving their third Star Award young musicians can progress to more advanced ensembles and a Merit Award individual lesson.