Schools Support Hub
We are building this new section of our website which will provide resources for teachers and incorporate all the learning from Croydon’s London Borough of Culture year.
Primary Classroom Teachers and Early Years Practitioners
Build on your expertise in developing literacy and creative writing to use performing and visual arts in your classroom. Using CMA’s development steps and resources you can:
Allow children to discover their interests
Help them develop their talents
Nurture their creativity
Support their emotional well-being
Arts Leads
Use CMA’s resources developed in partnership with RSL Exam Board to plan for progression in drama, dance, music and visual arts across Key Stages 2 and 3, and to embed the five dimensions of creative and cultural learning which ensure the creative wellbeing impact of music and arts education.
Music Resources
Use resources which have been curated or created by CMA to support delivery of the school music curriculum and supplement the guidance in the DfE Model Music Curriculum.